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sábado, 14 de julho de 2012

Ex-agente da CIA diz que mais famosa captura de disco voador nos EUA é verdadeira.

No dia 8 de julho de 1947, um objeto voador muito suspeito foi encontrado em um rancho, na cidade de Roswell, no interior do Estado norte-americano do Novo México. Apesar de o governo dizer que se tratava de um balão meteorológico, ufólogos de todo o mundo não têm dúvida de que o episódio é uma das principais provas de que discos voadores já visitaram a Terra. 

Agora, 65 anos depois do famoso incidente, um ex-agente da CIA, o serviço secreto americano, confirma o que muita gente já desconfiava.

“Não era a droga de um balão meteorológico. Era sim o que as pessoas achavam que era quando encontraram aquilo”, disse Chase Brandon. “Aquele objeto claramente não era deste planeta”, completou.

Cadáver de ET estaria dentro do óvni de Roswell

“Não era a droga de um balão meteorológico. Era sim o que as pessoas achavam que era quando encontraram aquilo”, disse Chase Brandon. “Aquele objeto claramente não era deste planeta”, completou.

Brandon trabalhou por 25 anos em um departamento da CIA conhecido como Serviço Clandestino. Nos seus dez últimos anos de serviço, tornou-se diretor de publicações e teve a oportunidade de conhecer uma seção especial no quartel-general da agência, em Langley, no Estado da Virgínia.

Era um local tão secreto que poucas pessoas na CIA tinham acesso. “Um dia, eu estava caminhando pelo local até que uma caixa me chamou atenção. Ela tinha uma só palavra escrita nela: Roswell”, contou. “Eu a abri, dei uma olhada e disse: ‘Meu Deus, aquilo realmente aconteceu’.”

Brandon não diz exatamente o que encontrou, apenas afirma que leu alguns documentos e viu algumas fotos. “Aquele momento validou tudo o que eu acreditava”, disse. (Com Huffington Post)

 Reportagem Original (Inglês)
Roswell UFO Was Not Of This Earth And There Were ET Cadavers: Ex-CIA Agent Says 
Happy anniversary, Roswell, N.M. It was 65 years ago today that the Roswell Daily Record blasted an infamous headline claiming local military officials had captured a flying saucer on a nearby ranch. And now, a former CIA agent says it really happened.

"It was not a damn weather balloon -- it was what it was billed when people first reported it," said Chase Brandon, a 35-year CIA veteran. "It was a craft that clearly did not come from this planet, it crashed and I don't doubt for a second that the use of the word 'remains' and 'cadavers' was exactly what people were talking about."
Brandon served as an undercover, covert operations officer in the agency's Clandestine Service for 25 years, where he was assigned missions in international terrorism, counterinsurgency, global narcotics trafficking and weapons smuggling. He spent his final 10 years of CIA service on the director's staff as the agency's first official liaison to the entertainment and publication industries. It was during this time, in the mid-1990s, that he walked into a special section of CIA headquarters in Langley, Va., called the Historical Intelligence Collection.

"It was a vaulted area and not everybody could get in it," Brandon told The Huffington Post. "One day, I was looking around in there and reading some of the titles that were mostly hand-scribbled summations of what was in the boxes. And there was one box that really caught my eye. It had one word on it: Roswell.

"I took the box down, lifted the lid up, rummaged around inside it, put the box back on the shelf and said, 'My god, it really happened!'"

What exactly did the box contain that had such a powerful impact on Brandon?

"Some written material and some photographs, and that's all I will ever say to anybody about the contents of that box," he said. "But it absolutely, for me, was the single validating moment that everything I had believed, and knew that so many other people believed had happened, truly was what occurred,"

None of this comes as a surprise to Stanton T. Friedman, a nuclear-physicist-turned-UFOlogist, who was the original civilian investigator of the Roswell UFO incident.

In the late 1970s, Friedman began to uncover former military eyewitnesses who had been involved with the original events that took place at Roswell in 1947.

Despite the fact that the military changed its story overnight, saying on July 8, 1947 that a flying disk had been captured but claiming on July 9 that a weather balloon had been recovered, Friedman's early investigative efforts prompted many Roswell witnesses to come forward and tell their stories. Numerous researchers have dug up more facts in the years since.
 "It's been 65 years since things took place at Roswell," Friedman told HuffPost. "How much more widely known could it be -- everywhere I've spoken in the world, they ask about Roswell."

"What we really need now is the Woodward-Bernstein of the UFO world to bring out the disclosure," said Friedman. "Maybe Chase Brandon is a foresight of something going on.

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